Sending notifications

The time has came to send your first notification! It might be to make an announcement to the team, to remind them of an event, or to share some exciting news. Let's see how to do that.

In our app, first write and format the notification message you want to send. You can use markdown options to format the text.

Compose and Format the Notification

Supported markdown options:

  • Type # followed by spaceto create an H1 heading. # Example
  • Type ## followed by spaceto create an H2 heading. ## Example
  • Type ** or __ on either side of your text to add **bold** mark.
  • Type * or _ on either side of your text to add *italic* mark.
  • Type ~~ on either side of your text to add ~~strikethrough~~ mark.
  • For a new line, press Enter twice. New lines are considered when there one or more blank lines between two paragraphs.
  • Type [Link text Here]( to create a link. For example [Monday](

Select Recipients

After crafting the message, the only remaining step is to select the recipients. You can choose one or more users or teams (if you select a team, all members will receive the notification).

Send the Notification

Click "Send" to notify your team members!